Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gummy Situation 3

My interpretation of the "sticky gummy situation:"

Who: kids
What: photos
When: today
Where: Disneyland
How: Kids wait in line to take pictures with their favorite adult-sized toon. Yes, Mickey Mouse himself. The line's not very long though. I wonder what Mickey has done to scare all the little kids away. Hmmm... mouse trap?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who: Italian, Mexican, and German Gummies
What: Flag Day Banquet and Gala
When: Flag Day
Where: The Swiss Miss hot cocoa factory, Geneva, Switzerland
How: After musical chairs, members of the Mexican & Italian Flag Squadrons form a conga line, as two of the three German delegates embrace by the coat check. Where is the third? and what happened to the other two Italian delegates?