Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gummy Situation 7

My interpretation of the "sticky gummy situation:"

Who: Three strangers
What: Accident or Intentional?
When: Last Night
Where: LA Art Opening
How: At the art opening last night in LA, someone collapsed onto the ground. Was it:
A. Red just collapsed on his own (health reasons)?
B. Yellow pushed Red?
C. Green pushed Yellow into Red because he has a secret hatred for Red and doesn't want to take the blame for attempted murder.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Gummy Situation 6

My interpretation of the "sticky gummy situation:"

Who: Rosa Parks in Speed
What: Back of the Bus
When: Years ago
Where: Bus
How: Rosa Parks steps onto the bus and is told to sit in the back. She refuses and steps off the bus instead. She smiles. The bus reaches a speed of 50 then explodes when it decelerates. GOod thing she didn't get on that bus.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Gummy Situation 5

My interpretation of the "sticky gummy situation:"

Who: Father Christmas and sons
What: Naughty or Nice List
When: Christmas (each year)
Where: Christmas-land
How: The sons (and daughters) of Father Christmas line up each year as he reads the list that describes who has been naughty or nice this year. Does it surprise you that his kids are fifty-fifty?